The sprint report must contain the following elements:
- Heading: Document name ("Sprint [Number] Report"), game name, team name, date.
- Actions to stop doing: These are the activities or actions the team determined they should stop doing. This is the answer to the question, "What things should we stop doing?" The items should take the form of a brief description of what the team wants to stop doing, followed by a brief explanation. If there are no items, this section should describe why the team is completely satisfied with their current process.
- Examples: The team should stop holding daily scrum meetings at 7am in the morning, because nobody can make that meeting time. The team should stop allowing daily scrum meetings to go over 15 minutes, because the meetings are less effective that way.
- Actions to start doing: These are the activities or actions the team would like to start doing to improve their development process. This is the answer to the question, "What should we start doing?" The items should take the form of a brief description of what the team wants to start doing, followed by a brief explanation.
- Examples: The team should schedule more group work sessions, since these are very effective at getting work done. The team should be more accurate at estimating work tasks, since tasks were consistently under-estimated last sprint.
- Actions to keep doing: This is the answer to the question, "What is working well that we should continue to do?" The items should take the form of a brief description of what the team wants to start doing, followed by a brief explanation.
- Work completed/not completed: This is a list of the user stories that were completed during the previous sprint, and a list of the user stories not completed during this sprint (but which were part of this sprint, and were in the sprint plan).
- Work completion rate: This section should report the following: total number of user stories completed during the prior sprint. Total number of estimated ideal work hours completed during the prior sprint. Total number of days during the prior sprint. For the previous sprint, the user stories/day and ideal work hours/day figures should be reported. For sprints past the first sprint, this section should also provide the average user stories/day and average ideal work hours/day figures computed across all sprints to date. The final sprint burndown chart for the previous sprint should be included in the report (as a photo or a scan of the actual chart used).